Stinger and Tez: A primer
Recently I had the opportunity to attend a talk from
Hortonworks’ own Alan Gates about Tez and Stinger. Here are the notes from this
What is Stinger?
The Stinger initiative aims to redesign
Hive to make it what people want today: Hive is currently used for large batch
jobs and works great in that sense; but people also want interactive queries,
and Hive is too slow today for this. So a big drive is performance, aiming to
be 100x faster.
Additionally Hive doesn’t support all of the native SQL
features for analytics (e.g. Date calculations, Windowing) so to be able to
connect to a BI stack, and give Hive to SQL power users.
Stinger also covers work that is in HDFS and YARN. An
example of this is the new data format, ORC. Thus Stinger is not only focused
on Hive, it is a cross-project initiative.
This is work done as open source, by Hortonworks, but also SAP,
Microsoft, and Facebook.
Why build upon Hive rather than build a new system?
Hive is out there and being used,
and works at scale. It s hard to build a new tool that works at scale; it is
easy to build a tool that is fast, but works on a small dataset (Gigabyte
Hive already manages at scale, and scale is hard. And now
the effort is focused on making it faster. It is easier to do this rather than
build in scale afterwards..
Also from a vision perspective, users only need one SQL
tool, not a fragmented toolkit. Otherwise different tools are going to use different
flavors of SQL, different data types, which is going to create an impedance
mismatch and going to cause frustration for users. So the focus is to build
just one tool, that does both batch and interactive, and have the optimizer
make the right decision: is it a query that’s going to run for an hour so I
should use batch type operators, or is it going to take 5 sec so I should run
it in an interactive way?
Why is SQL compatibility so important?
SQL is the
English of the data world. You can get by pretty much anywhere with English
when you are traveling. It is the same way with SQL, it is the language that
everyone knows, and there is a workforce of analysts and set of BI tools that
speak SQL. It just makes sense that Hadoop can speak SQL.
However Hadoop can not just speak SQL; Hadoop is so much
more than that. YARN brings different data processing models: a real time
streaming-type models like Storm, a graph processing model like Gyraph, an ETL
model like Pig.
Stinger is not only focusing on SQL. Tez and Stinger open up
to other tools like Pig, Cascading and make sure everyone can share the
SQL is how most of the world is going to communicate with
What is Tez and how does it relate to the Stinger initiative?
In Hadoop 1.0, there was only one option for how to execute
their data processing: Map Reduce.
Map Reduce is a great paradigm for a whole set of problems,
but in a context of a relational system that is going to stream together a set
of relational operators, like Pig, Hive or Cascading, Map Reduce is not the
design that you would choose if you starting out from a clean slate. That’s
when Hadoop 2.0 comes in with YARN, which separates out resource management
from execution. The execution moves from the system to user space, where the
user can write an application manager that controls how the job is executed, so
that is the opportunity for Pig and Hive to write an app manager tailored to
them: Tez. Tez is application that runs on YARN, that builds the underlying
execution for a parallel data processing engine for running relational
operators like Group by, Join, sort. Tez is being evolved from Map Reduce, with
strengths like recoverability that are baked in, and still scales and can
handle faults. The underplaying execution layer can handle multiple inputs,
which is needed for joins. Map Reduce 1.0 only accepts one input, and
additional code is needed to shoehorn joins into it. In Tez, joins are
supported natively in the execution layer.
Data movement
Also it frees you up in how you move data; in MR you write
data to disk in intermediary stages for persistence in HDFS; this is great for
large batch jobs, and you don’t want to give that up, but for quick interactive
jobs, you want to be able to move data into memory or via sockets so you can
stream in data very quickly. The goal behind Tez is to enable both of those,
where the optimizer of the application (like Hive, Pig) can makes the choice:
should I use socket-based streaming because I know this is going to be really
fast, or should I use HDFS-based communication because this job is going to
take an hour, and if it blows at the 59th minute I don’t want to loose
Startup times
Also, Tez is about driving down the job startup times: MR
was built where jobs would take an hour on average; so if it took 30 sec to
start the job it was just noise. This is the way it was designed. But for
interactive jobs, it is important to drive down the startup times from seconds into
Chip architecture optimizations
Also, Tez will be rewritten to add internal optimizers in
Hive to take advantage of chip architectures; traditional databases have
operated on 1 record at a time. But you can now process multiple records at a
Buffer caching
The next Stinger phase will be about buffer caching for
Hadoop: Hadoop needs to know what it needs to keep in memory vs. what should be
on disk. Hadoop was build around the notion that you scan everything on disk
every time , and that is a great fit for batches , but some jobs and data sets
you need to hold the data in memory in the cache , if for example you are doing
some frequent joins with say dimension tables. Web buffer caching strategies
will help in that respect.
Cost-base optimizers
Hive needs a true cost-based optimizer for Hive, instead of
the current rules-based optimizer.
For example it almost always make sense to execute a filter
before a join statement. But today Hive is complex enough that there are
options in how it executes things, and you don’t know what the right answer is,
so you will need to make estimates on what is the optimal plan to execute a
particular statement.
What Tez means for Pig and other tools?
Building Tez
not just in Hive; Pig: their API’s are fairly different; different tools expose
different API’s that are more appropriate for different use cases. Underneath,
there are only so many things that you do to data: you can either sort it, join
it, group it, filter it, or project it. Having separate implementations for
this is wasted effort. Tez optimizes the execution of these operators to make
sure it is shareable across the stack to different tools.
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